Added features
New in the composer:
- maximize window on startup
- dependency Map feature to show dependency of test case or test cycle with all referred sub tests
- support for storing test step data in local Subversion (actually a file system folder)
- In the Start Executor dialog: added shortcut key listeners to all elements to allow ctrl+L/S/ENTER and ESCAPE to work. After load / save profile return focus to run button
- added progress dialog to all threaded activities (generally showing after one second)
- added esc/Ctrl+W handling for zephyr selector and execute dialog
- support for encrypted properties in props folder for svn,ftp,zephyr, var.prop
- added objrepo config field for testenv
- added support for opening SVN attachments
New in the Executor:
- added experimental screen recording feature
- catch browser crash and report as nosuchelement exception
- changed coloring so that jenkins console log is better readable
- allow to override simple cmdline params with env vars (SELENIET_*)
- reworked failure handling and upchaining to be more consistent and exception message to contain all needed infos
- (re)enable logging on start of every test case (so that if there is a failure and logonoff on is skipped we still see the subsequent test loggings
- dont show date but only time in logs
- experimental support for marionette driver (new firefox webdriver)
- changed IE driver to non native events to IE interaction more stable
- made objrepo flag mandatory, changed screenshot flag to be off by default
New in the Object Repository:
- added support for csv based objrepo
New Plugins
ADD SaveProperties … allows to save properties to a prop file
ADD new plugins FailIfWarnings and StoreValueOfVar
ADD ClickOnAutoClosePopup … new inet specific plugin to check for a popup opening, then waiting and if it not autocloses clicking the first matching link and returning to main window
ADD SVNLoadProperties … added new plugin to download attachements of test cases from local svn repo
MOD select plugin didnt throw abortexception if option is unknown
MOD fixed a few glitches in plugins java docs
Bug Fixes
BUGFIX: when closing composer completely sometimes the empty frame stays and the process is not exiting
BUGFIX: bugfix add gui flag only if batch is not selected in executor dialog
BUGFIX: if screenshot fails test run fails with a null pointer exception
BUGFIX: threaded screenshot dump so that it does not block execution in case of hanging page load
BUGFIX: bugfix for seleniet.bat update not working on windows, always complains about … not found
BUGFIX: bug fix on failure each stack level shows the same exception and dumps a screenshot. One dump and log trace at lowest level (where it happens) should be enough
BUGFIX: regression, warnings are not listed any more
BUGFIX: links to screenshots of warnings contain test artefacts folder twice
BUGFIX: warnings are kept from one run to another if started from composer
BUGFIX: upload of test failure artefacts not working
BUGFIX: user quit is not accepted when in lookup element waiting queue
BUGFIX: svn test cases can nto be loaded / special characters are shown incorrectly (§, Mondelèz,…)
BUGFIX: regression for encryption feature didnt work failed with unable to find main class
BUGFIX: removed waiting for q key at the end if no gui (as with the composer that would mean the thread is waiting / hanging)
BUGFIX: StoreNumberOfElemsPlugin – if xpath is incorrect it doesnt throw a catched exception
BUGFIX: fixed utf-8 encoding issues with properties under windows
BUGFIX: when retrieving test cases of test cycle we only receive 20 test cases
Known Issues
When opening find / replace toolbar the first time the input field does not get focus (just close and reopen with ESC + Ctrl+F)
Functionkeys do not work in Executor if test case or any of the other tables have focus
Do not start two executors in paralell there are major issues
Auto downloading content for firefox is not supported on linux as of now
When failure happens, you will be asked for each level of the test stack whether you want to reposition or not (if you click no). Still to be decided if it is a feature or a bug. Feedback from users welcome.
Attachment modifications are not highlighted with a “*” in the tab title of the composer
TABs are not supported / suggested for use in test case files
Specifying two variables inside one argument of the arg list of a command WITHOUT a “,” will highlight the line as error, but saving and executing it will work without any problem.
Encapsulating them with quotes won’t help as they will be removed when saving (are obsolete if no comma is inside the argument string)