Download all files needed
- selenium-server-standalone-2.52.0.jar
and if you want to run android tests too:
- selendroid-grid-plugin-0.17.0.jar
- selendroid-standalone-0.17.0-with-dependencies.jar
- selendroid-test-app-0.17.0.apk
Start grid hub
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp “selendroid-grid-plugin-0.17.0.jar:selenium-server-standalone-
2.52.0.jar” org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncher -capabilityMatcher io.selendroid.grid.Selen
droidCapabilityMatcher -role hub -host -port 4444
Start nodes
create a script with the following content:
#!/bin/bash PORT=$1 java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.52.0.jar -role node -hub -port $PORT -browser browserName=f irefox,maxInstances=3,firefox_profile=Selenium -browser browserName=chrome,maxInstances=3
Now start the script with a port number like 5000 as parameter
check set up
Enter the following URL in our browser
You should see your web node with 3 firefox and 3 chrome instances available
Create firefox browser profile on grid server
start firefox with
firefox -p
and create a profile named “Selenium”. Then exit again
Create grid configuration files
- grid.firefox.prop
- grid.firefox.selexprof
--gui --grid grid.firefox.prop http://{GRIDSERVER}:4444 --trac or --zephyr whereever you have your test cases managed {PROJECTNAME} {TESTPLANNAME} --url http://{AUTURL} --junit --gui --screenoff --update
Start Seleniet run --profile grid.firefox
and watch the browser pop up at the grid server. Welcome to the Griduniverse :=)