Seleniet v0.1.4 released


Added features

New in the composer:

  • dbl clicking variables in sidepanel now adds them as “#[var]” into seleniet test case files but only as “var” into property files
  • ctrl + dbl click in sidepanel of locators will insert property var name associated withthe displayed locator (see Object Repository below)
  • Location of composer.ini file has been moved to cfg. After upgrade make sure to move your file there
  • Location of property files has been moved to props. After upgrade make sure to move your files there
  • default settings have changed in that the zephyr subtests will not be loaded on start up.
  • TracSelector: test case select box is resized to match the longest test case found in the list retrieved
  • ZephyrSelector: cycles and test cases are only retrieved if project lookup succeeded
  • uncaughtexception handler to deal with swing and thread exceptions making sure we get at least a system.out and stacktrace, a log entry or a popup of ANY uncaught exception (if you experience any of these, PLEASE supply screenshot / text copy of the exception and the STACKTRACE)

New in the Executor:

  • empty firefox profile does not check for updates and should auto download all major filetypes without popup
  • returning java exit state to shell so that jenkins reports failures accordingly

New in the Object Repository:

  • added support for property variable name being associated with a gui element in the obj repo as separate column. This var name is expected to be used when specifying values for the locators element (typically an input field) in a property file.

New Plugins

CSVImportVar … allows to import variables in package structured names from csv files. Used for FlatTO import (INet specific)

RemoveVariable … allows to remove a variable or a set of (wildcards based with startsWith compare) from variables list

BrowserToFront … triggers an browser javascript alert to bring the browser window to fron on OS level

RonotKeyPress … utilizes teh java AWT Robot library to send key presses to native applications / dialogs (like the save as dialog for downloads)

Grep … grep plugin to allow grepping files for content

MOD added support for oracle jdbc drivers in dbconnect plugin

MOD renamed CSVFile plugin to match more closely its purpose / function as TemplateFile plugin


Bug Fixes

BUGFIX: Only 50 subtests were listed in the sidepanel, introduced a maxResult preference field for subtest query to allow more then default 50 results

BUGFIX: gui buttons are enabled already when loading startup url but have no function. fixed in that the buttons are disabled till after the loading of the start URL ahs finished

BUGFIX: when quitting and update flag is set all other test cases following the current ones are updated. If quit I expect to abort this

BUGFIX: seleniet.bat update does not work, always complains about latest exec bin zip not found or syntax error

BUGFIX: javadoc for IfUnknownVarGoto and Enter plugin is incorrect

BUGFIX: local file test cases can not set a breakpoint, id was not cut off after colon “:” but all was taken and thus the seleniet editor had no test case assigned to (as the lookup returned null)

BUGFIX: if no firefox profile is specified in the Execution Configurator do NOT show “default” but leave field empty

BUGFIX: in the exec plugin wait for process to finish before reading stream

BUGFIX: Nullpointer when shutting down Composer

BUGFIX: In Zephyrconnector quotes in comments are escaped and then the file can not be saved. There is no need to escape the quotes anyway in comments

BUGFIX: when exception happens in subtests, a massive amount of popups are triggered. Expect to receive just one pop up per subtest level

Known Issues

When opening find / replace toolbar the first time the input field does not get focus (just close and reopen with ESC + Ctrl+F)

Functionkeys do not work in Executor if test case or any of the other tables have focus

Do not start two executors in paralell there are major issues

Auto downloading content for firefox is not supported on linux as of now

When failure happens, you will be asked for each level of the test stack whether you want to reposition or not (if you click no). Still to be decided if it is a feature or a bug. Feedback from users welcome.

Attachment modifications are not highlighted with a “*” in the tab title of the composer

TABs are not supported / suggested for use in test case files

Specifying two variables inside one argument of the arg list of a command WITHOUT a “,” will highlight the line as error, but saving and executing it will work without any problem.
Encapsulating them with quotes won’t help as they will be removed when saving (are obsolete if no comma is inside the argument string)


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