Base URL: /rest/jitest/latest, Version: 2.1.0
The JiTest Testmenagement REST API enables you to include automated test runs and manage test cases / executions and their results via simple REST calls.
Operation | Description |
GET /plan/flatAll/{issueid} | retrieve the list of all test case of the plan with given key (recursively) |
POST /plan/createReportFromPlan/{issueid} | creates a new empty test report from the plan with given key |
GET /plan/export/{issueid} | exports the plan's details and all testcases and their details and steps as XMl or HTML |
POST /plan/update/{issueid} | update JiTPlanChildren customfield of the plan with given key |
Operation | Description |
POST /steps/state/{issueid} | updates the overall state of the test execution |
POST /steps/updateTestcaseFromExecution/{issueid} | updates the list of steps of the parent test case with steps from execution with given key |
GET /steps/{issueid} | retrieve the list of steps of this test case or test execution as JSON array |
POST /steps/{issueid} | updates the list of steps of this test case or test execution |
Operation | Description |
GET /report/flatAll/{issueid} | retrieve the list of all test executions of the report with given key |
POST /report/retestReport/{issueid} | clones a given test report for retesting all failed or not executed executions omitting all passed executions of the original report |
POST /report/updateFromPlan/{issueid} | adds new executions to given report for all test cases that have been added to the given plan since the report has been created |
GET /report/export/{issueid} | retrieve an report document of the report with given key with given format |
Operation | Description |
GET /suite/flatAll/{issueid} | retrieve the list of all nodes of the suite with given key (recursively) |
GET /suite/treeAll/{issueid} | retrieve all nodes of the suite with given key as JSON tree with suites marked and childrens listed in each node |
GET /suite/testCasesOfProjectFromSuite/{suiteid} | retrieve all suites and test cases of current project the suite with given key belongs to |
No @param tag found for this parameter
issueid | key of the plan |
path | string |
Returned if the new report has been created successfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty or if the issue is no plan type
Returned if the user has no create rights on the project
Returned if any error happened while creating the report or if the plan has no affected version set
issueid | key of the plan |
path | string | |
format | format of the exported document (XML or HTML) |
query | string |
Returned if the export document has been created successfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty or if the issue is no plan type
Returned if any error happened while creating the export document
issueid | key of the plan |
path | string |
Returned if the list of test cases has been returned sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty
Returned if the user has no browse rights on the project
Returned if any error happened while looking up the test cases
No @param tag found for this parameter
issueid | key of the plan |
path | string |
Returned if the custom field of the plan has been updated successfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty or if the issue is not a JiTTestPlan issue
Returned if the user has no edit rights on the plan
Returned if any error happened while updating the custom field
issueid | key of the report |
path | string | |
format | specifies in which format the report shall be exported. One of xml, html, xlsx |
query | string |
Returned if the report has been exported successfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty or the issue is no report issue
Returned if any error happened while exporting the report or the format has an invalid value
issueid | key of the report |
path | string |
Returned if the list of test executions has been returned sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty
Returned if any error happened while looking up the test executions
issueid | key of the original report |
path | string |
Returned if the new report has been created successfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty or if the issue is no report type
Returned if the user has no create rights on the project
Returned if any error happened while creating the report
issueid | key of the report |
path | string |
Returned if the report has been updated successfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty or if the issue is no report type
Returned if the user has no create rights on the project
Returned if any error happened while updating the report
Helper method to ease updaing the JiTExecutionState customfield
new state string value to be set. Must be one of ["Not executed", "Passed", "Failed", "Blocked", "Work in progress"]
issueid | key of the test execution |
path | string |
Returned if the overall state has been updated sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty or issue is no execution issue
Returned if the user has no edit rights
Returned if any error happened while updating the overall state
issueid | key of the test execution to update the parent test case from |
path | string |
Returned if the list of test steps has been updated sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty
Returned if the user has no edit rights
Returned if any error happened while looking up or writing the steps
Helper method to ease retrival of the JiTSteps customfield
issueid | key of the test case or test execution |
path | string |
Returned if the list of test steps has been returned sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty
Returned if any error happened while looking up the steps
Helper method to ease updating the JiTSteps customfield
stringified JSON array (rows) of an JSON array (cols) containing the cells data as Strings e.g. [["1", "Step1", "Comment 1"], ["2", "Step2", "Comment 2"], ... ]
issueid | key of the test case or test execution |
path | string |
Returned if the list of test steps has been updated sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty
Returned if the user has no edit rights
Returned if any error happened while looking up the steps
issueid | key of the suite |
path | string |
Returned if the list of nodes has been returned sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty
Returned if the user has no browse rights on the project
Returned if any error happened while looking up the nodes
suiteid | key of the suite |
path | string |
Returned if the list of test cases and suites has been updated sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty
Returned if the user has no browse rights on the project
Returned if any error happened while looking up the nodes
issueid | key of the suite |
path | string |
Returned if the nodes tree has been returned sucessfully
Returned if the given issue key is null or empty
Returned if the user has no browse rights on the project
Returned if any error happened while looking up the nodes
status of the REST request. Either "sucess" or "failed"
in case of failed status this field will contain details about the failure
returns the key of the issue
returns the steps as JSON array (rows) of arrays (columns)
"Comment 1"
"Comment 2"
status of the REST request. Either "sucess" or "failed"
"success or failure"
in case of failed status this field will contain details about the failure
"in case of failure a detailed failure message else empty"